The Collegiate Charter School of Lowell Science department is committed to providing students with a rigorous lab-based experience that will prepare students for college and increase their general science understanding of the world around them. Curricular activities are strictly aligned to the Massachusetts state standards while including the integration of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) science and engineering practices. Students will engage in questioning, modeling, designing and carrying out investigations, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing scientifically accurate conclusions. Students are required to take three years of science. They must take Biology, along with two other lab-based sciences of their choice.
Grade 9: Students take Biology where they will experience the OpenSciEd curriculum. This phenomenon-based curriculum will strengthen their understanding of Science and Engineering Practices while covering all the Massachusetts state standards.
Grade 10: Students take Chemistry. Some will experience chemistry through an environmental lens using the OpenSciEd curriculum, while others will go deeper into chemistry concepts using the Experience Chemistry curriculum.
Grades 11-12: Students have several science options, including Anatomy and Physiology, AP Environmental Science, AP Biology, Zoology, Introduction to Biotechnology, and Physics.